Newsletter – February 2014

General and administrative issues

✓ 2013 performance report : the complete report has been sent the Climate KIC on time.

✓ 2013 cost report : costs have been reported and entered on CAPplan as requested.

✓ 2014 PGAs : the budgets for 2014 will very soon have to be prepared, most probably in March 2014.

Web tool

✓ The demo version of the web application, finalized by ARIA's team, can be found here

✓ New indices have been uploaded on the Dod's server by the LSCE.
A new correction methodology (improved CDFT) is currently under implementation on the ENSEMBLE data sets.


✓ The French CLC is organizing, within the framework of AS platform, a meeting on 14 February 2014 (9.30 to 12 PM - Université Pierre et Marie-Curie, Paris) about climate change adaptation services. The aim of this meeting is to focus on the 2015 business plan and to increase the emergence of new projects lead by partners of the French CLC.

✓ The European Geosciences Union general assembly (EGU) will be held in Vienna from 27 April to 02 May 2014. Registrations are still possible until 31 March 2013 1 PM CET. No be noticed a session on climate services untitled "Climate Services - Underpinning Science" (CL6.5) with Paolo Rutti from the ENEA. More information is to be found here

What's next ?

✓ An E3P consortium meeting will be held on 10 February 2014, in the headquarters of the German CLC (Berlin). The aim of this meeting is to draw a roadmap in 2014, with in particular the development of the E3P business model. This meeting will be followed by a Climate event on the next day (February 11th).

E3P website :
E3Pviz :